Friday, June 10, 2011

Scott's seizures

This is my boy Scott. He has epilepsy. He had his 1st Grand Maul seizure at school when he was 4 1/2 yrs old. He is now 6 and I am just now understanding his condition. The 1st very important rule is medication. He has to take it!!!! 1st 6 months he took it whenever or not at all, I didn't understand the importance of it. Maybe I was in denial thinking he didn't need it, and this was just a phase. That Heavenly Father would make it all better. His 2nd semester of Pre-K he was on his meds and finally progressing (after the 8 weeks of hell). By the end of the year he finally learned his alphabet! But something still wasn't right. He was still having seizures, even when he took his meds. We would call the doctor and without seeing him, just up his meds. We would go in for his check-up and we would see the nurse (I've never even met the dr.) and she would know nothing about it. The end of summer came and we finally got into Children's Medical Center! By then he was having seizures EVERY DAY! He started Kindergarten and I informed the teacher about what to do if it happens. Well, it happened in class, she said it lasted 5 minutes. So, we went to Children's Hospital and the Dr. says the meds are prescribed wrong! He was taking a liquid every 12 hrs when it's suppose to be taken every 8! So, it totally made sense why he was having them every morning. So, he got on the right meds, but not without consequences. When you change seizure meds, it messes with your behavior for 8 weeks! Even if it changes a little bit, so Scott was not himself for 2 months, and it was hell.
So, now that learned lesson 1 we can talk about lesson 2. When u have a seizure you lose memories. Knowledge is ZAPPED from your brain and is no longer there. So, from all the seizures he had the beginning of Kindergarten, he has forgotten the alphabet. So, Christmas vacation came and they wanted the kids to practice reading words, I was thinking "He just finished learning the alphabet and now u want him to read!?" Anyway, he's graduated from Kindergarten now and it's summer.
He doesn't like rules, and likes to do things his way. But I still have to help him get dressed in the morning and feed him his medicine. He is so sweet and loves to help and learn. He is smart, the knowledge is in there somewhere, he just has to find it 1st. Therefore, he is slow to answer. His handwriting has improved greatly over the last month. He is in Special Ed. and she worked with him twice a week. The Dr. says he will grow out of it by the time he is 14 yrs old. Wow, wouldn't that be great, only 8 more yrs. His appetite is good, he eats and loves everything! He is always exploring, loves the outdoors (even when it's 90 degrees). I think he will be great in sports, we put him in t-ball this year and it was a slow start. I think he might need something more active (too boring for him), so we are going to try football. He's a contact kinda person. I've never even been to a football game before!
I worry about him alot, but I think things are getting better. (or I hope)

1 comment:

  1. Trinity so glad to hear you have a diagnoses now so you can treat it. Scott is such a sweet boy and Im sure even with this hurdle he will fulfill all you dreamed of him and more! ((hugs))
