Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The middle man

This morning when I dropped Zander off at CDO, the person in charge had a garbage bag of little boy clothes they offered to me. At 1st, I said "no", which is weird for me to turn down free stuff. I do have 3 boys and a TON of clothes though. But, when they said "are u sure?", I said sure I'll take them. The whole time I'm thinking, do my kids look like they need clothes? and what am I going to do with these clothes? Anyway, so Tuesdays I go to Fannin County Ministries and volunteer in the store room. I got to talking with the person in charge of the back room and she mentions that her grandson who is 3 (same age as Big Z) hardly has any clothes, poor kid. So, after lunch I got the bag out of my trunk and went through it. Half the bag was clothes that fit me (which I can't wait to wear), the other half was 4T (which is the size she needs).
I love being Heavenly Fathers middle man. I was the blessing that her daughter needed. I am greatful for Heavenly Father's promptings and people who follow them. I don't even know who the bag was from, but I know Heavenly Father prompted them to give it to me. We can all be tools for our Heavenly Father, all we have to do is listen.

1 comment:

  1. That is AWESOME! Thanks for sharing Trinity. all to often we for forget to see the forest thru the trees.
